How Many Months Does A Dog Stay Pregnant

How Many Months Does A Dog Stay Pregnant

When the dogs are going to be pregnant, most often people ask How Many Months Does A Dog Stay Pregnant? The answer to those is the dogs are usually pregnant for about two months, roughly 62-64 days. However, it’s tricky to predict exactly when they’ll give birth because the day they mate might not be the same as when they conceive. Also, different dog breeds and litter sizes can influence how long a pregnancy lasts.

How Many Months Does A Dog Stay Pregnant:

Dogs are usually pregnant for two months or 64 days roughly. It is very important for you to understand the dogs about their habits and come to know that the dog is pregnant. Take care of your dog, so it can give birth to healthy dogs.

Signs of Dog Pregnancy:

Here I am going to tell you the signs of the dog’s pregnancy. These are the most common signs that the dog often shows you to make you aware of the condition through which it is suffering. Let us dive into the given information and learn about the dogs that are pregnant.

  1. Increase in appetite (not all dogs will experience this)
  2. Weight gain (especially in the second or third trimester)
  3. Increase in nipple size and discoloration (around two to three weeks after conception)
  4. Swollen belly (becomes more noticeable later in pregnancy)
  5. Lethargy Nesting behavior (becoming more interested in creating a cozy spot)
  6. More affectionate or irritable (mood swings are common)

Here are some signs that early appear when the dog is pregnant in the starting. You should also have some to know about these signs too. Note the given signs to come to know about the early pregnancy:

  1. Vomiting or diarrhea (for a short period in the first few weeks)
  2. Decreased appetite (for a short period in the first few weeks)

These signs can also be caused by other medical conditions. If you suspect your dog is pregnant. It is important to schedule a checkup with your veterinarian to confirm the pregnancy and ensure the health of your dog.  A veterinarian can also provide guidance on caring for your pregnant dog and preparing for the arrival of puppies.

How to tell if a dog is pregnant:

Unlike humans with home pregnancy tests. You should determine canine pregnancy requires a trip to the vet.  Here I have some methods through which the vets pass the dogs and tell you about their pregnancy. These methods or techniques are given here in complete detail.

Hormone Tests:

These detect the presence of relaxin. A pregnancy hormone produced only during gestation. However, accuracy relies on timing. The test needs to be done at least 30 days after conception to avoid false negatives.


The most affordable and convenient option for the dogs to be tested through. Vets feel for fluid-filled sacs (around the size of table tennis balls in medium dogs) developing between days 21-35 of pregnancy.  After a month, these sacs become less distinct, making palpation unreliable.


It is ideal for breeders to estimate litter size. X-rays become effective later in pregnancy (around days 42-45) when fetal skeletons become visible.  Waiting until day 55 allows for a more accurate puppy count and helps determine if a C-section is necessary.


The gold standard for early pregnancy detection (between days 25-35). Ultrasounds not only confirm pregnancy but also detect fetal heartbeats, ensuring viability. Additionally, they can rule out other causes of abdominal swelling and estimate the gestational age.

Early pregnancy signs (vomiting, appetite changes) can be misleading.  A vet visit is crucial for accurate diagnosis and ensuring your dog’s health throughout pregnancy.

Whelping check the supply list:

Here is the Whelping checking supply list, make sure to take all the accessories that are given here.

  1. Lots of newspaper to line the whelping box during delivery for easy cleanup and garbage bags
  2. Non-skid bath mats for bedding after whelping is done
  3. Dry, clean towels to clean the puppies
  4. Paper towels to help with clean up
  5. Thermometer to check your dog’s temperature before whelping
  6. Clean, sterilized scissors to cut the umbilical cords
  7. Unwaxed dental floss to tie off the umbilical cords
  8. Iodine to clean the puppies’ abdomens after the cord is cut and dab on the end of the cut umbilical cord
  9. Heat lamp set high above the box on one corner only to allow the puppies to crawl to a cooler spot in a box or hot water bottle to keep the puppies warm (be careful it isn’t too hot).
  10. Bulb syringe to clear puppies’ noses and mouth
  11. A baby scale in ounces
  12. Honey or light corn syrup
  13. Veterinarian’s phone number and the number of a nearby emergency clinic


Are dogs pregnant for 3 months?

Dog pregnancies can range from 56 to 70 days. Generally, puppies are expected to be born around 63 days, which is a little over two months, after conception.

How many months can a dog get pregnant?

Many dogs can become pregnant between six and twelve months old. It is not necessarily ideal for their well-being. Dogs should reach maturity before getting pregnant and breeding to avoid potential behavioral or physical issues. It is important to give your dog time to grow up before considering breeding.

How soon after mating is a dog pregnant?

After breeding with a male, it can take anywhere from 48 to 73 hours for a female dog’s eggs to become fully fertilized. In the first week, which is about 7 to 10 days after mating, you’ll observe that your dog’s vulva stays swollen, and her mammary glands (also known as nipples) will become larger.

What are signs a dog is pregnant?

Here are six signs that indicate the dog is pregnant:

  1. Decreased Activity.
  2. Changes in Appetite.
  3. Unusual Behavior.
  4. Enlarged or Discolored Nipples.
  5. Weight Gain and Enlarged Abdomen.
  6. Nesting Behaviors.

Do dogs give birth at night?

Before your dog gives birth, make sure you have your vet’s emergency phone number handy, as deliveries often happen at night. Tell your vet when your dog is due so they can be ready to help if needed.


The above article contains complete information about the dog’s pregnancy. Whenever you notice the given signs you should have to visit the vet along with your dog for the checkup. The dogs are pregnant for 62 to 64 days. Afterward, during this period, they labor and dilate. You should go through the above article and learn the information you want.

Must Read: How To Tell If Your Dog Is Dilated

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